DFIR expert uses Magnet AXIOM Cyber to simplify investigations


Warren Kruse, VP Cyber Investigations

Get firsthand insight from Warren Kruse on why he uses Magnet Forensics products for his digital forensics and eDiscovery investigations.

Learn How Warren Kruse Uses AXIOM Cyber to Improve Digital Investigations

Q: Are there any particular tools that you’ve been relying on?


“I use a combination of tools especially for cross validation. You know I’m a big fan of Magnet’s tools and I rely on Magnet AXIOM Cyber for most if not all my investigations. Along with other tools to assist in validating my findings. The value we provide clients is by application of the right tool, the right process to achieve a requested result.”

Q: Why does Magnet Forensics have your trust?


“As the saying goes “trust but verify” when Magnet comes out with an update, I test it against my personal data that I am familiar with. They also have a nice beta program so you get a look before it is released. They also have very good training so you not only understand the tools but get a better sense of a lot of what’s going on in the entire field of digital forensics. ”

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You’ve heard it firsthand from Warren – Magnet AXIOM Cyber is a digital forensics solution that will simplify your investigations.

Get right to the evidence you need with a solution that keeps you a step ahead.