
Revolutionizing digital forensics with Magnet One

The exponential growth of digital evidence is a well-known struggle for agencies worldwide. The entire agency feels the strain, from overwhelmed digital forensics labs to investigators awaiting critical analysis. Funding, managing, and storing these ever-increasing data volumes pose significant challenges.

Magnet One is a cloud-based digital investigations platform designed to empower you and your agency to tackle these challenges. Magnet One seamlessly connects your existing digital forensics apps, tools, and enables real-time agency-wide collaboration, allowing your agency to investigate with unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness so you can close cases faster.

Join Braden Thomas, Magnet Forensics’ Chief Product & Research Officer, as he explains how Magnet One integrates with your Magnet Forensics and other third-party solutions and provides insights into the platform’s vision and future directionDon’t miss this special opportunity to hear what Magnet Forensics and Magnet One have in store for your agency.

Braden Thomas
Chief Product and Research Officer, Magnet Forensics
30 mins.

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