
Cyber Unpacked: S2:01 // From indicators to insights: Fine-tuning Axiom Cyber for incident response

We’re back for another season of deep dives in the enterprise. Join Doug Metz and Jeff Rutherford as we delve into the new IOC (Indicators of Compromise) Insights Dashboard in Magnet Axiom Cyber – a new, unified view of critical threat data, making it an efficient starting point for any incident response investigation. We’ll guide you through fine-tuning your Axiom Cyber installation for incident response investigations with YARA, Sigma, identified hashes, and a new IP reputation lookup. In this episode of Cyber Unpacked, we’ll share all the essential resources to enrich your investigations and swiftly respond to incidents.

Doug Metz
Senior Security Forensics Specialist, Magnet Forensics
Jeff Rutherford
Forensics Consultant, Magnet Forensics
45 Min.

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