New in this release
- All functionality for Identities has been removed from Magnet REVIEW. Any identities-related data will be purged from your evidence database on upgrade.
- Investigator and administrator users now see a visual indicator in the Evidence locker if their case contains legally privileged data.
- Items in the Communication catgegory can now include the direction of the message.
Bug fixes
- In multi-server installations, some evidence items might fail to process, resulting in less evidence being recovered.
- Sorting on some attributes (such as, File Name, File Size, or Save Date) would result in an error being displayed and no results being listed.
- For some messages, the direction was inferred as being outgoing even though the recipient is the local device user.
- Filtering on the file location of an item was not showing any results, even if there were other items in that location.
- PDF reports with 2500 or more items would fail during creation.
- Containers with deeply nested .zip files were not being processed correctly.
- UFED exports would fail to process if the XML export did not contain a sourceExtractions or extractionInfo element.
- Legal Reviewer users were unable to view the Summary page and see an overview of the items that are marked as privileged.
- Some items in the Communication category weren't reporting their status correctly.
- SMS messages displayed Outgoing as the status when the actual status was Unsent.
- WhatsApp messages displayed Unread when the actual status was Unknown.
- Some Communication items omitted both the sender and the recipient in their details.
- Sorting on the sender or recipient attribute in the Communication category had no effect on how evidence was displayed.