New in this release
- You can now delete cases from the Dashboard if they're no longer applicable.
- Case progress and statistics now update automatically on the Dashboard.
- The Unique evidence identifier field on the case creation screen has been removed.
- You can provide unique names to each step in your workflow instead of having each step named using application name.
- Create variables for your custom case and evidence fields to use in workflows. The creator of a case provides the values for these variables while creating a case.
- On the Dashboard, the Case summary is renamed to Workflow summary to more accurately describe its contents.
- Filter cases on the Dashboard to show only your cases or all cases.
Bug fixes
- Clicking Create log file did not always successfully generate log files. -AUTO-1064
- If you used X-Ways in your workflows, you'd receive an error and output would not be created. -AUTO-954
- Loading large hashset databases would result in the UI freezing. -AUTO-1017
- Licensing issues were sometimes preventing nodes from receiving licenses from the master node. -AUTO-1066