Why endpoint forensics is essential for business security

In today’s digital landscape, cyber threats are ever evolving, making cybersecurity measures a non-negotiable for businesses of all sizes. However, even the most comprehensive defenses can be breached, either through unpatched exploits, or by an insider who inadvertently causes one.

Introducing Magnet Nexus: Large-scale investigations, made easy

In today’s workplace, employees and critical business assets are often spread throughout the globe. Employees may be working from home, the office, or a combination of both. To enable a remote workforce over the past several years, organizations put their digital transformation initiatives into high gear.

Case sharing and collaboration in Magnet Nexus

Responding to cyber security incidents often necessitates leveraging the experience of the broader team to ensure a quick and complete response. IGNITE now allows you to easily share and collaborate on cases within your organization, helping your team work together to reach a quick resolution.