Digital forensic tools: Why ease of use is essential

The digital forensic tools we rely on must not only be powerful enough to perform deep dives into intricate data sources, but also intuitive enough for a diverse range of users. Digital forensic evidence analysis is reviewed by a wide range of professionals, from highly-trained forensic examiners, to investigators with basic forensic knowledge, to legal … Continued

Magnet Griffeye 24.5 and Project VIC GID now available

Magnet Forensics is excited to announce the release of version 24.5 of the Magnet Griffeye suite! This update brings key enhancements to the Griffeye Intelligence Database (GID) in Griffeye Operations and Griffeye Enterprise, including streamlined user permissions management for improved security, as well as a new beta feature for Summary Report templates across all Griffeye … Continued