Scale Up Existing Resources and Processes with Magnet AUTOMATE 2.2

With the latest version of Magnet AUTOMATE, you can now improve service to your agency by scaling-up existing resources and processes with the power of orchestration and automation.  Find out more about Magnet AUTOMATE 2.2 below, including how you can automate more with mobile-capable workflows, unlock capacity, improve service, save time & costs, and ensure case … Continued

How to Enable Your Virtual Workforce to Seamlessly Collaborate, Process, and Access Cases

When you were asked to ensure as many team members as possible were working remotely, you were presented with a daunting task. How do you rethink your digital forensic lab’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) almost overnight, without impacting case integrity, chain of custody, quality and lab throughput?  The challenge is widespread, and you’re not alone: in a recent survey to our law enforcement customers, almost 70% of respondents told us that their work routines have been disrupted – 39% … Continued

Why Automation in Digital Forensics?

As examiners and investigators already know, the exponential growth of casework is daunting. As devices get smaller and storage sizes get bigger, forensic labs are seeing the effects of these growing data hauls. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts the world’s collective digital data to grow to roughly 175 zettabytes (that’s approximately 175 billion terabytes!) … Continued

Complete Investigations Over 2x Faster with the New Magnet AUTOMATE 2.0

A new version of Magnet AUTOMATE is now available to help examiners complete investigations faster by reducing downtime by over 90% and by processing evidence items in parallel. Learn more about what’s in Magnet AUTOMATE 2.0, including case merging, maximizing computing resources, and integration with the fastest imaging hardware in the industry: Atola TaskForce! Review … Continued

Announcing Magnet AUTOMATE, a New Solution to Help Labs to Complete Investigations Faster

We’re pleased to announce a new solution for digital forensics labs to get the most out of their forensics tools: Magnet AUTOMATE. AUTOMATE allows labs to complete their investigations faster by powering a repeatable forensic workflow that minimizes downtime and maximizes efficiency. At Magnet Forensics, we’ve been aiming to help digital forensics labs focus their energies on the … Continued