macOS & iOS Photos Support with Magnet AXIOM

Within recent releases of AXIOM, we’ve added new artifacts to help examiners analyze images found on both iOS and macOS systems. Many investigations that examiners are faced with hinge on the images found during analysis of the data. These artifacts will help identify new points of interest and allow for more context to be drawn around images found during those investigations.  We can all agree … Continued

Rely on AXIOM: New Detailed Scan Summaries with Exception Reporting

One of the key themes that we’ve heard from our customers leading up to the release of AXIOM 4.0 is that they’re using AXIOM as their primary tool in their forensic toolkit. Not only for desktop investigations but for mobile and cloud investigations as well. Greater demands are being placed on AXIOM and our customers have, more and more, come to rely on it. The result of … Continued

New Exporting and Reporting Features in Magnet AXIOM 4.0

Magnet AXIOM 4.0 brings to you a ton of new and advanced features to assist you in your investigations! From faster filtering with Lucene, Find Similar Pictures using CBIR, more details in your AXIOM Process scan summary, to new AXIOM Cyber features like Azure VM and remote macOS acquisition, this new release is jam packed … Continued

Up to 5X Faster Search Filtering in Magnet AXIOM 4.0

You asked and we heard you load and clear! In addition to all the new and exciting features in the latest release of Magnet AXIOM 4.0, we’ve significantly improved searching and filtering speeds in AXIOM Examine. With prior versions of AXIOM, we heard from customers time and again that running these filters was cripplingly slow … Continued

Find Similar Pictures in Magnet AXIOM 4.0

Our engineers have been hard at work and as a part of the latest AXIOM release, we’ve added additional capabilities around Magnet.AI. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a fantastic resource for investigators needing to find similar images, especially when working with multiple pieces of digital evidence that could contain hundreds of thousands of images.   Magnet.AI finds similar pictures based on a picture’s general attributes, rather than … Continued

GrayKey Now Available Through Exclusive Partnership in Japan and South Korea

This announcement is also available in Japanese and Korean. ブログを見るためにここをクリックしてください。 블로그를 보시려면 여기를 눌러주세요 We are proud to announce that GrayKey is now available in Japan and South Korea as part of our exclusive technology and distribution partnership with Grayshift. At the heart of this partnership is a shared commitment to helping law enforcement agencies … Continued

Warrant Return Analysis in Magnet AXIOM

For anyone who gets returns from warrants return content from Internet Service Providers (ISPs), searching and analyzing that content can be problematic.  The returns are not in a standard format and there are a vast number of artifacts.  The formats can change and typically come in .zip files that can include .html, .txt, .json, .csv, … Continued

Apple Warrant Returns in Magnet AXIOM

We wanted to show you some of the content that can be parsed, displayed, and searched in Magnet AXIOM from Warrant Returns. Let’s discuss Apple. Before loading an Apple warrant return, please ensure you use the Free Magnet Apple Warrant Return Assistant found on the Download Our Free Tools page, or using the instructions provided … Continued