What Is ICAC And How Does It Work?

For those unfamiliar, according to icactaskforce.org, the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program “is a national network of 61 coordinated task forces, representing more than 5,400 federal, state, and local law enforcement dedicated to investigating, prosecuting, and developing effective responses to internet crimes against children.”

Forensic Images for DVR Analysis (E01 or DD) in Magnet Witness

Digital investigators and examiners creating forensic images for DVR analysis utilize two main file formats to store bit-for-bit copies of hard drives used in their examinations. E01 forensic image file format is the default imaging option for many computer forensics tools and has become a de-facto standard of sorts. While somewhat lesser known, the raw … Continued

New in Magnet AXIOM 5.9: Support for iCloud Backups

We’re proud to announce the availability of Magnet AXIOM 5.9! You can upgrade to the latest version within AXIOM or over at the Customer Portal.  Now with Magnet AXIOM 5.9, iCloud Backups are supported up to and including iOS 15. You can also load Google Warrant returns that include many .zip files as well as parse … Continued

Forensic Analysis of iCloud Backups up to iOS15

With Magnet AXIOM, you can acquire and analyze iCloud backups up to and including iOS 15. Gaining access to Apple user data for forensic examiners has been a challenge and the relationship between Apple and the law enforcement community could be described as ‘contentious’ to say the least — with Apple refusing to unlock iPhones … Continued