SRUM: Forensic Analysis of Windows System Resource Utilization Monitor

SRUM, or System Resource Utilization Monitor, is a feature of modern Windows systems (Win8+), intended to track the application usage, network utilization and system energy state. SRUM, as with most operating system features, wasn’t designed for the forensicator, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use it to support our investigations.

Collecting Activity in Magnet AXIOM Cyber

With the continued trend towards remote work and dispersed workforces, companies are increasingly turning to cloud services for file storage, management and collaboration. Providing the storage for over 100,000 organizations and 67% of Fortune 500, has emerged as one of the leading cloud storage solutions for businesses.

Collecting Remote Volatile Artifacts and What They Can Tell You

Earlier this year, we introduced a new artifact category, volatile artifacts, which allows you to remotely collect live system information. Volatile artifacts are an especially important element of incident response investigations as they can provide unique insights into malware behavior and malicious activities that don’t leave easily detectable evidence trails.  

iOS 16: What Digital Investigators Need to Know

With Apple’s announcement of iOS 16’s official launch date, as well as providing their latest “gold master” build, we wanted to take a dive into iOS 16 and see what all was going to be new from an analysis and acquisition perspective.

What is MRU (Most Recently Used)?

MRU artifacts, or Most Recently Used are a variety of artifacts tracked by modern Windows operating systems that provide crucial details regarding the user’s interaction with files, folders, and programs that may have been executed using the Windows Run utility. This is fortunate for examiners, because profiling user activity is something digital forensic examiners are often tasked with to corroborate what we believe happened on a computer. It is a method for supporting our theory of the user’s behavior on a system.