Fighting crime in the digital age

Magnet Forensics CEO Adam Belsher published an editorial titled Fighting Crime in the Digital Age in the National Post, coinciding with our participation at the 111th annual Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police conference (Aug. 14-17). In the column, Adam provides an overview of the challenges people and society are facing as a result of … Continued

Magnet AXIOM Adds Forensic Support for Uber

Since its launch, Uber has become a popular alternative to taxi rides in many cities globally. As Uber is controlled through a mobile app, it only makes sense to add support for it in Magnet AXIOM and Magnet IEF. With the launch of AXIOM 1.0.4 and IEF 6.8.1, we’ve added support to parse data from … Continued

Connecting the Dots Between Data and its Source: Source Linking

One of the new features in Magnet AXIOM that we are most excited about is Source Linking. This key feature should really help forensic examiners dive deeper into their data and analyze evidence quickly and efficiently. In a nutshell, Source Linking allows an examiner to quickly navigate between the artifacts, file system, and Windows Registry … Continued

Digital Forensics: Artifact Profile – USB Devices

Importance to Investigators USB device history is an invaluable source of evidence in digital forensics, playing a crucial role in various investigative scenarios. When an examiner needs to determine if an external device was connected to a system, USB artifacts provide definitive traces of such activities. This evidence can reveal not only the connection but … Continued

Forensic analysis of the Windows UserAssist artifact 

What is the UserAssist artifact? UserAssist is a feature in Windows that tracks the usage of executable files and applications launched by the user. It stores this information in the Windows Registry, which can be accessed by forensic analysts to reconstruct a timeline of application usage and user activity. Specifically, it is located within the … Continued

Digital Forensics: Artifact Profile – WhatsApp Messenger

APPLICATION NAME: WhatsApp Messenger CATEGORY: Chat RELATED ARTIFACTS: WhatsApp Contacts, WhatsApp Messages OPERATING SYSTEMS: iOS, Android SOURCE LOCATION: iOS – /root/var/mobile/Applications/net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Documents/ChatStorage.sqlite Android – /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db Android – /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/wa.db Android –/sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases/msgstore.db.crypt*   Importance to Investigators Android For Android devices, there are two SQLite databases of value for examiners recovering WhatsApp artifacts: msgstore.db and wa.db. The msgstore.db contains details on any chat conversations … Continued

Digital Forensics: Artifact Profile – Whisper

APPLICATION NAME: Whisper CATEGORY: Social Networking RELATED ARTIFACTS: Whisper Posts, Whisper Messages OPERATING SYSTEMS: iOS, Android SOURCE LOCATION: Android – %root%\data\APPsh.whisper\databases\w.db Android – %root%\data\APPsh.whisper\databases\c.db iOS – %root%\var\mobile\Applications\%GUID%\Documents\Messaging.sqlite iOS – %root%\var\mobile\Applications\%GUID%\Documents\Whisper.sqlite   Importance to Investigators Whisper is a popular social networking app that allows users to post messages anonymously and send messages to other users. It is available on both iOS and Android devices. Whisper allows … Continued