The Power of a Comprehensive, Integrated Approach to Forensics

Lately, we’ve been describing Magnet AXIOM as “the most comprehensive, integrated digital investigation platform.” Why does this matter? Why is it an approach that can be valuable to the forensic and investigations communities? Helping Customers Get the Most Complete Picture The ability to bring as much data as possible into one view is something that … Continued

Who’s got Full Disk Decryption? Magnet Forensics Does

Magnet Forensics has joined forces with Passware to provide full disk decryption (FDD) to our customers.  Coming soon – Forensics examiners will be able to analyze content from drives running encryption software like BitLocker, TrueCrypt, and PGP in Magnet AXIOM. AXIOM is growing like a weed this year and the addition of full disk decryption … Continued

Gatekeeper Password Storage: How Android Secures Devices

In our new white paper on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) forensics, we talk a little bit about Gatekeeper password storage, a new-as-of-Lollipop feature designed to introduce a new level of obfuscation to PIN and pattern locks—both in file name and location, and in hash settings. In previous Android versions starting with 2.2, devices’ 4- to 16-digit … Continued

Digital Forensics: Artifact Profile – Google Chrome

APPLICATION NAME: Google ChromeCATEGORY: Web RelatedRELATED ARTIFACTS: Chrome Web History, Chrome Web Visits, Chrome Sync Data, Chrome Sync Accounts, Chrome Session/Tabs Carved, Chrome Last Tabs, Chrome Current Tabs, Chrome Last Session, Chrome Current Session, Chrome Top Sites, Chrome Logins, Chrome Searches, Chrome Keyword Search Terms, Chrome History Index, Chrome FavIcons, Chrome Downloads, Chrome Cookies, Chrome … Continued

Deep Dive on Portable Case Part 2

In part one of our Portable Case series, our Director of Forensics, Jessica Hyde, took a look at the features and benefits of Portable Case. She highlighted the power of real-time collaboration with multiple stakeholders and having all the feedback collected in one place. Read part one here. How to: Magnet AXIOM Portable Case for … Continued

Using Keywords with Magnet AXIOM

Keywords are an essential part of many forensic examinations. While running keyword lists shouldn’t be the extent of an investigation, the right keyword list can help examiners quickly get to the relevant evidence for their case. Magnet AXIOM allows examiners to run several different keyword searches either before or after processing your case. Let’s take … Continued