New Features

Standardize Your Team’s Hash Sets Database With Hash Set Manager

Maintaining up-to-date hash sets can be a painful process, especially for those operating in offline labs. Hash Sets Manager (currently in beta) lets you easily manage a central database of hash sets that you can distribute to your team’s instances of Magnet AXIOM and AXIOM Cyber, even if they are operating offline.

Hash Sets Manager is an active beta in Magnet Idea Lab, so head over to the Idea Lab and sign up if you haven’t already to become a beta user.

To see the beta Hash Set Manager in action, check out our upcoming Tips and Tricks webinar hosted by Senior Product Manager Gwen Darling.

Commonly referred to as the DNA or fingerprint of digital files, hash sets are an invaluable tool for DFIR investigations, allowing you to quickly identify case-relevant and non-pertinent evidence related to your investigations.

Hash sets can be used to quickly identify known instances of malicious or illegal files and are also very useful for identifying standard operating system and program files in data that can be removed from cases to help manage the volume of evidence in a case. Hash sets can streamline a wide array of investigations, ranging from intellectual property theft to ICAC.

How Hash Sets Manager Can Be Used in Your Investigations

For law enforcement investigations, Hash Sets Manager provides the ability to download and distribute hash sets to devices on your network from Project VIC, Child Abuse Database, and more. As your team works through cases and grades evidence, those findings can be exported as JSON files, and uploaded to a custom hash set file in Hash Sets Manager to be automatically synced with the broader team’s AXIOM and AXIOM Cyber instances.

For enterprise users, you can also use Hash Sets Manager to upload custom hash sets. Custom hash sets can be based on your IT department’s gold build to help pare down the data for investigations.

Hash Sets Manager Beta in Magnet Idea Lab

Hash Sets Manager is currently being run in Magnet Idea Lab, our community of beta testers for the next generation of Magnet Forensics’ technology.

Magnet Idea Lab ensures that customers are always involved in the process of evaluating ideas and shaping the next generation of Magnet Forensics solutions. It’s the Magnet Way to listen and provide you with the tools and solutions you need to solve cases better and faster.

How to Apply and Start Using Hash Sets Manager and Other Beta Tools

Visit and click “Apply Now” to fill out the application form

Once your application is approved, you’ll receive an email inviting you to login and explore our open beta projects.

Under “Active Projects” select Hash Sets Manager and click the blue “Request Access” button in the top right of the page.

If you also need a trial of AXIOM or AXIOM Cyber, request a free trial here.

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