Industry News

New White Paper Now Available: 12 Tips for Presenting Digital Evidence in Court

Now available! Learn about the things you most need to know to put your most professional foot forward on the stand. Download our white paper to learn more!

In a previous blog post, we wrote about the top trends that had influenced digital forensics since 2014—the year we first published our best advice about presenting digital evidence in court—and today, when we’re pleased to launch our update (with four new tips!) to that first white paper.

In addition to the documentation and presentation tips that remain evergreen even as digital technology evolves, we’ve added some tips on correlating artifacts to help establish intent; obtaining training and certification to bolster your credibility and your ability to explain your methods and findings; and what kinds of visuals can help you complete your investigations and present what you found.

Download our white paper to learn more about:

  • The four steps you need to take prior to your next big case.
  • The importance of even the smallest details when you seize a device
  • Which three aspects of acquisition and analysis will bolster your credibility the most.
  • What to keep in mind as you report and present your findings to non-technical audiences

Can you testify without meeting all 12 of these recommendations? Sure—but remember, in the era of “fake news” and other easily manipulated media, people are more skeptical than ever of what they’re told. They’re less willing to take things at face value and more inclined to ask questions. Being caught unawares can be enough to introduce reasonable doubt—which could sink your whole case, no matter how experienced you are or how sound your methods were.

Get your copy of “12 Tips for Presenting Digital Evidence in Court” today!

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