Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge
Recently announced on Jessica Hyde’s weekly YouTube Live show, #CacheUp, we’ll be kicking off the Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge for anyone in the community who would like to participate. With 2020 being such a challenging year for many, our goal is to provide a little fun for participants in Quarter 4, as we wrap up the year. Now, let’s talk specifics about the Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge!
The Details
The first question for the Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge goes live October 5 at 11:00AM ET. During the month of October, we will be utilizing an Android image which can be found here. Feel free to download and pre-process in your tool of choice, so you’re ready to go!
Also, keep an eye on social media and your inbox as we’ll be providing a weekly video Mondays at 11:00AM to announce what the current week’s challenge will be as well as discussing previous week’s solve.
Where to Play
Head on over now to register for the Magnet Weekly CTF! Once on the landing page, you’ll simply click Register in the top right corner of the screen. After registering, you’ll be all set to start competing against your fellow forensicators!
Members of the forensic community can be quite competitive, so let’s discuss how the Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge will be scored.
Each Monday at 11:00AM ET, starting with the launch of the event on October 5, a new weekly challenge will be unlocked for participants to solve. For those who are interested, you’ll have one week to solve the question, followed by one additional week to write a blog for additional points. The Magnet team will review the questions two weeks after they are initially posted, providing the solution to the solve on the weekly video. Each week when the new question is unlocked, the previous week’s question will be removed, so make sure to get your answers in!
With that, let’s discuss scoring!
With the Weekly Magnet CTF Challenge we want to give as many ways as possible for participants to score points. Each week’s challenge will have a set points value based on the complexity of the solve. These point evaluations will range from 10-75 points. In addition to receiving points for providing the correct answer to each week’s challenge, you can also receive additional points in a variety of ways listed below.
Point Value | Description |
25 | Blogging the solve–make sure to tag #MagnetWeeklyCTF in a write-up of your solve on social media. |
50 | Successfully creating a new custom artifact (if applicable) and having it posted on our Artifact Exchange. (Points awarded to the first person who successfully submits their custom artifact for review) |
10 | Joining us on the Magnet Forensics Discord, Weekly CTF Channel (a one-time award). |
5 | Tagging us on Social #MagnetWeeklyCTF |
Throughout the challenge we may also unlock additional bonus challenge questions, which we will announce via social media and the Weekly CTF Channel on the Magnet Discord, so make sure you are following Jessica Hyde, Tarah Melton, and Trey Amick. Find out more information about the new Magnet Discord Server here!
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
Who doesn’t love winning prizes? This CTF will be based on the cumulative score a user earns throughout the 4th quarter of 2020 (Oct-Dec). Whoever has the high score at the end, wins the grand prize.
But wait, there’s more! Throughout the challenge we will also randomly select weekly challenge winners in a prize drawing each week, as well as the selecting a monthly winner. The monthly winner will be based on whose been awarded the most points during the given month.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out over on the Magnet Forensics Discord Server, Weekly CTF Challenge Channel!