Magnet SHIELD Now Available as a Free Tool
Magnet Forensics is committed to supporting law enforcement with innovative digital forensics solutions for experts in the lab, agency stakeholders, and frontline officers. We’re grateful to be able to give back to the law enforcement community, including several free tools to help make examiners jobs easier.
That’s why we’re excited to share that we’ve now made it easier to empower frontline officers to collect and report on fleeting digital evidence from consenting victims with the availability of Magnet SHIELD as a free tool!
Magnet SHIELD works on devices running Windows 10 OS and allows officers on the scene to:
- Capture Evidence Simply — Quickly get photo, video, and chat evidence with an external or internal camera or by connecting to the victim or witness’s mobile phone, or memory card.
- Allow Witness to Share — Build trust and maintain privacy with victims and witnesses by letting them select the photos, videos, and chats they want to share.
- Preserve Fleeting Evidence — Increase your chances to get victims and witnesses to consent to sharing evidence right at the scene instead of relying on them to hand over their phone.
- Help Reduce Lab Time — Nobody wants to see devices sit in a queue. Help reduce backlogs by removing the need to send a device for a simple extraction and capture what is needed for your case.
Additionally, SHIELD automatically produces a standardized PDF report on all digital evidence collected from the field. Officers can quickly email the evidence report to prosecutors or upload both the evidence and report into their RMS or digital evidence repository.
How to Get Magnet SHIELD
Head over to the Magnet SHIELD page and fill out the form to request your free copy of Magnet SHIELD. Once you are approved, you will receive a download link.
Have any questions about SHIELD? Check out our FAQ sheet here or email us at shield@magnetforesics.com.