Industry News

Introducing a New Corporate Industry Insights Series

Whether you’re an in-house forensic examiner or a consultant, your ability to support Human Resources, Legal, Compliance, and related investigative teams is only as good as the software you use to find the evidence they need to build a case.

As our flagship Magnet AXIOM software continues to evolve into a primary platform for more and more customers, we wanted to offer some resources for users on the corporate side of our customer base. Specifically, we want to show how some of our key features—AXIOM Cloud, Magnet.AI, our Volatility integration, etc.—come into play for specific types of investigations.

To that end, we’re introducing a three-part “Industry Insights” series of briefs covering:

  • Insider threats. Whether inadvertent or malicious, these threats involve the exfiltration of intellectual property, trade secrets, competitive data, or other sensitive data. This brief shows how AXIOM helps to determine whether this has occurred, who’s responsible, and even their intent.
  • Employee misconduct investigations. In this brief, we’ll discuss two of the most common forms of misconduct—harassment, and misuse of company assets—and how AXIOM helps to show the patterns and artifacts common to each.
  • Intrusion investigation. Conducting a root cause analysis often involves tracing malware artifacts and threat actors through an entire network. This brief will cover AXIOM’s role in identifying and correlating those artifacts, as well as creating timelines that can help to show important patterns.

Released once per month starting next week, these briefs will discuss some of the ways your investigations can be proactive as well as reactive. We’ll show how our artifacts-oriented approach dovetails with the traditional file system approach, by using artifact correlations and timelines to drill down into the parts of the file system that matter most in an investigation. And, of course, we’ll talk about how our key features make corporate investigations work more smoothly.

While these investigations are fairly complex and can involve many teams and moving parts, our aim is to focus on the parts where AXIOM is most useful, and to show how its workflows function in a way that you can use to fit into your broader investigations. To be informed of the new resources on this blog, enter your email to the right to subscribe!

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