Demystifying Android Marshmallow Forensic Analysis

Mobile device encryption has been a headache for investigators ever since Apple introduced it with the iPhone 3GS and iOS 3.0. Since that time, encryption headaches have only accelerated, with Apple tying it to hardware (the A5 and later processing chips) and adding layers of data to its encryption. With Android in the game now … Continued

How to Solve Digital Forensics Challenges? Be Curious

A new Magnet Forensics white paper is coming soon, and while it focuses on the technical aspects of Android Marshmallow Forensics, running underneath those details is another theme: the only way to stay current on mobile device technology changes is to know how to get out in front of them. Yet few, if any, forensic … Continued

Digital Forensics: Artifact Profile – Google Chrome

APPLICATION NAME: Google ChromeCATEGORY: Web RelatedRELATED ARTIFACTS: Chrome Web History, Chrome Web Visits, Chrome Sync Data, Chrome Sync Accounts, Chrome Session/Tabs Carved, Chrome Last Tabs, Chrome Current Tabs, Chrome Last Session, Chrome Current Session, Chrome Top Sites, Chrome Logins, Chrome Searches, Chrome Keyword Search Terms, Chrome History Index, Chrome FavIcons, Chrome Downloads, Chrome Cookies, Chrome … Continued

Deep Dive on Portable Case Part 2

In part one of our Portable Case series, our Director of Forensics, Jessica Hyde, took a look at the features and benefits of Portable Case. She highlighted the power of real-time collaboration with multiple stakeholders and having all the feedback collected in one place. Read part one here. How to: Magnet AXIOM Portable Case for … Continued

Using Keywords with Magnet AXIOM

Keywords are an essential part of many forensic examinations. While running keyword lists shouldn’t be the extent of an investigation, the right keyword list can help examiners quickly get to the relevant evidence for their case. Magnet AXIOM allows examiners to run several different keyword searches either before or after processing your case. Let’s take … Continued

A Deeper Look at Magnet AXIOM’s Improved Hashing

One of the most obvious benefits of Magnet AXIOM is the access to the entire file system, as well as the hundreds of artifact types that the Magnet parsing and carving engine finds. To accommodate the larger data set and expanded access, we’ve improved the hashing functionality as well. If you are more familiar with … Continued

Q&A: Chuck Cobb, Magnet Forensics’ New VP of Training

We all know the forensics industry needs to be credible and reliable to have its necessary impact in the courtroom. Magnet Forensics recently launched an expanded training program and its first certification – the Magnet Certified Forensic Examiner (MCFE). To build an industry-leading training program, Magnet Forensics brought Chuck Cobb on board as Vice President, … Continued