Find More Evidence That Matters with Magnet AXIOM 3.0

We’re excited to release the most powerful and comprehensive version of Magnet AXIOM: Magnet AXIOM 3.0. With AXIOM 3.0, we’re giving you the ability to recover digital evidence from more sources than ever before (including Mac computers and new cloud sources), a powerful and intuitive new Timeline view, and much more. Find out more about … Continued

Preparing Office 365 for Use with AXIOM Cloud

In this blog, Timothy Moniot, a Senior Solutions Consultant here at Magnet Forensics, guides you through how to get Microsoft Office 365 ready to use in Magnet AXIOM. Getting Microsoft Office 365 prepared and setup to be used in conjunction with AXIOM Cloud will require cooperation between investigative and IT personnel within an organization. Create … Continued

Announcing Magnet AUTOMATE, a New Solution to Help Labs to Complete Investigations Faster

We’re pleased to announce a new solution for digital forensics labs to get the most out of their forensics tools: Magnet AUTOMATE. AUTOMATE allows labs to complete their investigations faster by powering a repeatable forensic workflow that minimizes downtime and maximizes efficiency. At Magnet Forensics, we’ve been aiming to help digital forensics labs focus their energies on the … Continued

Three Newer Things that May Surprise You about iOS Forensics

By Jessica Hyde, Director, Forensics I recently delivered a webinar, “Apple’s Tween Years: iOS’ Maturation from 10 through 11 and into 12,” followed by an iOS and cloud forensics focused trip in New Zealand, Australia, and Singapore. From talking with examiners at these events, I realized that the lecture content contained three “surprises” that could … Continued

Analysis of GrayKey Images with AXIOM: New KnowledgeC Database Artifact Additions

With the past few releases of Magnet AXIOM, we’ve added new artifacts found on iOS file system images seen primarily when investigators have access to tools such as GrayKey.  With the release of AXIOM  2.8, we’ve included additional iOS artifacts, including the KnowledgeC database artifacts found on iOS devices. KnowledgeC Database As investigators, our job revolves around … Continued

Getting Evidence from iOS Screen Time Artifacts

Screen Time, a new feature added to the release of iOS 12, is designed to supervise activities that are going on within the device. Whether set up from a parental standpoint to limit how much time is being spent on video games, or someone is simply trying to limit how much time they spend on … Continued

New Industry Insights Brief: Successful Root Cause Analysis Investigations

This month brings the conclusion of our Industry Insights Brief series. Successful Root Cause Analysis Investigations follows on the heels of Successful Insider Threat Investigations and Successful Employee Misconduct Investigations by discussing a third common type of corporate investigation: intrusions from outside. Sometimes, intrusion investigations only go as far as determining what was accessed and/or … Continued

How AXIOM Cloud Can Help Save Time Investigating Instagram

Instagram is so popular that it’s safe to say at some point, an investigation will lead you to uncovering potential evidence from it. In this blog, we’ll take a conventional investigation that I conducted and compare and contrast how it would work with or without Magnet AXIOM Cloud. Instagram’s Requirements for Law Enforcement In the … Continued