Custom Targeted Locations with Magnet AXIOM Cyber

In this blog we’ll discuss how examiners can now create their own custom Targeted Locations with AXIOM Cyber, saving you time by eliminating the need to navigate the file tree for artifacts that are frequently needed in casework. If you haven’t had the opportunity to try AXIOM Cyber yet, make sure to request a free … Continued

Zoom Artifact Support in Magnet AXIOM

We at Magnet Forensics are constantly trying to keep up with new artifacts that are relevant to the changing times to help assist in your examinations. Recently added into Magnet AXIOM was the support of Zoom application artifacts, which in recent times has become an extremely popular way for us to connect and communicate in … Continued

Yep, Magnet AXIOM Cyber Supports Slack!

As many of us know, Slack has become a dominant collaboration and chat platform used in environments around the globe since its inception in 2009. With over 10 million daily active users and 85,000 paying customers, examiners are frequently facing casework where Slack data plays a pivotal part in the investigation.  In this blog, we’ll discuss the different options examiners have when investigating Slack with Magnet … Continued

How to Enable Your Virtual Workforce to Seamlessly Collaborate, Process, and Access Cases

When you were asked to ensure as many team members as possible were working remotely, you were presented with a daunting task. How do you rethink your digital forensic lab’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) almost overnight, without impacting case integrity, chain of custody, quality and lab throughput?  The challenge is widespread, and you’re not alone: in a recent survey to our law enforcement customers, almost 70% of respondents told us that their work routines have been disrupted – 39% … Continued

How To Use the Magnet Custom Artifact Generator

Hi, everyone. This is Jessica Hyde with Magnet Forensics. I wanted to reach out and share a bit about our newest free tool, MAGNET Custom Artifact Generator, including why I am so excited about how it allows examiners to bring new artifacts into Magnet AXIOM. You may have seen a description of MAGET Custom Artifact … Continued

Why Automation in Digital Forensics?

As examiners and investigators already know, the exponential growth of casework is daunting. As devices get smaller and storage sizes get bigger, forensic labs are seeing the effects of these growing data hauls. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts the world’s collective digital data to grow to roughly 175 zettabytes (that’s approximately 175 billion terabytes!) … Continued

Warrant Return Analysis in Magnet AXIOM

For anyone who gets returns from warrants return content from Internet Service Providers (ISPs), searching and analyzing that content can be problematic.  The returns are not in a standard format and there are a vast number of artifacts.  The formats can change and typically come in .zip files that can include .html, .txt, .json, .csv, … Continued

Apple Warrant Returns in Magnet AXIOM

We wanted to show you some of the content that can be parsed, displayed, and searched in Magnet AXIOM from Warrant Returns. Let’s discuss Apple. Before loading an Apple warrant return, please ensure you use the Free Magnet Apple Warrant Return Assistant found on the Download Our Free Tools page, or using the instructions provided … Continued

Facebook Warrant Returns in Magnet AXIOM

AXIOM supports Facebook Warrant Returns that are in a .zip package as part of our Warrant Return support. Unlike Apple returns, Facebook and other providers don’t require you to decrypt the package before loading. Facebook specific content can include the Facebook Audit Log, Friend requests, Friends, Messenger Messages, Photos, Status Updates, and Wallposts. The Facebook Audit … Continued

Google Warrant Returns in Magnet AXIOM

Did you know AXIOM has built in support for Google Warrant Returns as part of our Cloud Warrant Returns feature. If you have received a return from Google in a .zip format, you can load it into AXIOM and process that evidence alongside other evidence in your case. Google Warrant Returns can be highly valuable … Continued