Not all geolocation data is created equal

Geolocation data has become an indispensable tool in criminal investigations, offering unparalleled insights into the movements and whereabouts of mobile devices. This technological advancement provides law enforcement with the ability to reconstruct crime scenes, establish timelines, and verify alibis with a level of precision that was previously unattainable. The forensic examination of mobile digital devices … Continued

That one artifact: How Bluetooth artifacts cracked a case   

In this series, Chad Gish, CID/SISU Detective, Metropolitan Nashville Police Department will delve into some noteworthy cases in his 26-year career, focusing on investigations that were either completely solved or significantly aided by a critical piece of evidence—what he calls “that one artifact.” Digital evidence possesses the remarkable ability to accelerate investigations and frequently establishes … Continued

Comae Memory and network analysis: Beginning an incident investigation

A common scenario for SOC’s and IR teams is being handed a piece of evidence and being asked to “Find Evil.” Those on the receiving end know this to be a broad ask. If there is a known good image to compare things to, the process may be easier, but not all organizations have a gold build available for comparison.