Delta Packs Let You Download AXIOM Updates Quickly

Initially released with Magnet AXIOM 2.3, forensic shops that air-gap their equipment can utilize delta packs when updating their equipment. Delta packs allow for quick downloads of only the changed portions to AXIOM’s code base, versus having to download the full installer of 2GB+ every month. We know that examiners are busy, so we’re aiming … Continued

Enhanced WhatsApp Support and Much More in Magnet AXIOM 2.6

Magnet AXIOM 2.6 is bringing big updates to Magnet AXIOM Cloud with WhatsApp backups, iCloud and Cloud Administrator account support. Together with improvements to Magnet.AI and to overall performance, AXIOM 2.6 demonstrates our commitment to being the gold standard for usability. Try it for yourself now! If you’re a customer, download AXIOM 2.6 right now … Continued

Big Improvements Make Magnet AXIOM 2.5 the Fastest Version Yet

We’re working hard to make sure that that the day-to-day experience of using Magnet AXIOM is improving all the time. With the latest version of Magnet AXIOM, Magnet AXIOM 2.5, we’re continuing to build on the huge features we’ve brought in with AXIOM 2.0.  We know that differences of hours — or even minutes — … Continued

Working Cases Faster Than Ever in Magnet AXIOM 2.4

Get the latest version of Magnet AXIOM in-app or at the Customer Portal today! Magnet AXIOM 2.4 will make it faster to open cases and process media, recover more evidence from GrayKey images and Office 365, and expand image classification capabilities in Magnet.AI. If you’re not already using AXIOM, try it for yourself by requesting … Continued

Tracks Inspector is Joining Magnet Forensics as Magnet REVIEW™

Every investigation now includes potential evidence from smartphones, computers, programs in the cloud and even smart “IoT” devices. That evidence is often critical to making the case. While there is great opportunity to find firsthand evidence among the digital footprint we create in society, our law enforcement agencies and their digital forensics labs are faced … Continued