Magnet AXIOM Adds Support for .dar Files

Beginning in Magnet AXIOM 3.11, the dar file format (or Disk ARchive) is now supported for image processing. In Cellebrite-generated .dar files, Accessed, Modified, and Changed are stored inside the .dar file. However, the Created timestamp is stored in external .plists, typically found alongside your extraction in the “MetaData” folder. For a further explanation of … Continued

Complete Investigations Over 2x Faster with the New Magnet AUTOMATE 2.0

A new version of Magnet AUTOMATE is now available to help examiners complete investigations faster by reducing downtime by over 90% and by processing evidence items in parallel. Learn more about what’s in Magnet AUTOMATE 2.0, including case merging, maximizing computing resources, and integration with the fastest imaging hardware in the industry: Atola TaskForce! Review … Continued