New Broad Consent Feature for Magnet GRAYKEY

Digital forensic professionals and Android users know the Android smartphone market is extremely fragmented. Broad Consent is the first step of many towards a future where we can provide users with more access to Android devices.

SRUM: Forensic Analysis of Windows System Resource Utilization Monitor

SRUM, or System Resource Utilization Monitor, is a feature of modern Windows systems (Win8+), intended to track the application usage, network utilization and system energy state. SRUM, as with most operating system features, wasn’t designed for the forensicator, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use it to support our investigations.

iOS 16: What Digital Investigators Need to Know

With Apple’s announcement of iOS 16’s official launch date, as well as providing their latest “gold master” build, we wanted to take a dive into iOS 16 and see what all was going to be new from an analysis and acquisition perspective.