Magnet Virtual Summit DFIRFit 2020 = #MVSDFIRFit2020

Hi! It’s Jessica Hyde with Magnet Forensics. While we are disappointed to not be running/walking the streets of Nashville like we did last year, we are excited to be bringing some of the same flavor to this year’s Magnet Virtual Summit DFIRFit 2020 event! Here are some memories captured by Kevin Pagano last year. We … Continued

Jamie McQuaid’s 2020 Forensic 4:cast Nominations

Every year around this time, we get to submit nominations for our favorite tools and people in the DFIR industry for the Forensic 4:cast awards. I really like these awards because they’re the closest thing we have to peer or examiner focused awards. You might consider it like the people’s choice awards for digital forensics. … Continued

Magnet Virtual Summit Registration is Now Open!

Every day in May we have amazing presentations lined up for you at Magnet Virtual Summit 2020—and now you can register to save your spot ! Head over to the registration page to register for the event and select all of the sessions you want to participate in. For each session you attend, you will … Continued

Why Automation in Digital Forensics?

As examiners and investigators already know, the exponential growth of casework is daunting. As devices get smaller and storage sizes get bigger, forensic labs are seeing the effects of these growing data hauls. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts the world’s collective digital data to grow to roughly 175 zettabytes (that’s approximately 175 billion terabytes!) … Continued

GrayKey Now Available Through Exclusive Partnership in Japan and South Korea

This announcement is also available in Japanese and Korean. ブログを見るためにここをクリックしてください。 블로그를 보시려면 여기를 눌러주세요 We are proud to announce that GrayKey is now available in Japan and South Korea as part of our exclusive technology and distribution partnership with Grayshift. At the heart of this partnership is a shared commitment to helping law enforcement agencies … Continued

(Some of) Tarah Melton’s Forensic 4:cast Award Nominations

The Forensic 4:cast Awards, coordinated by Lee Whitfield, has been a great way to recognize those in the DFIR community who go above and beyond to contribute their amazing work in the field by sharing their knowledge, research, and tools. Over the years, some amazing contributors to DFIR have been recognized in the Forensic 4:cast … Continued

Warrant Return Analysis in Magnet AXIOM

For anyone who gets returns from warrants return content from Internet Service Providers (ISPs), searching and analyzing that content can be problematic.  The returns are not in a standard format and there are a vast number of artifacts.  The formats can change and typically come in .zip files that can include .html, .txt, .json, .csv, … Continued

Apple Warrant Returns in Magnet AXIOM

We wanted to show you some of the content that can be parsed, displayed, and searched in Magnet AXIOM from Warrant Returns. Let’s discuss Apple. Before loading an Apple warrant return, please ensure you use the Free Magnet Apple Warrant Return Assistant found on the Download Our Free Tools page, or using the instructions provided … Continued

Facebook Warrant Returns in Magnet AXIOM

AXIOM supports Facebook Warrant Returns that are in a .zip package as part of our Warrant Return support. Unlike Apple returns, Facebook and other providers don’t require you to decrypt the package before loading. Facebook specific content can include the Facebook Audit Log, Friend requests, Friends, Messenger Messages, Photos, Status Updates, and Wallposts. The Facebook Audit … Continued

Google Warrant Returns in Magnet AXIOM

Did you know AXIOM has built in support for Google Warrant Returns as part of our Cloud Warrant Returns feature. If you have received a return from Google in a .zip format, you can load it into AXIOM and process that evidence alongside other evidence in your case. Google Warrant Returns can be highly valuable … Continued