Using F-Response and Magnet AXIOM to Conduct Enterprise Investigations

One major difference between law enforcement and corporate investigations is that corporate investigations may span across several countries or regions whereas LE typically deals with cases within their own city/state/region/etc. One of the challenges of corporate investigations is that you won’t normally have examiners in each of these locations so there is a requirement to … Continued

An Insider View into Magnet AXIOM and Magnet IEF

We recently sat down to talk with Magnet Forensics VP of Product Management, Geoff MacGillivray, about the Magnet Forensics product line, including what’s new in Magnet AXIOM and our commitment to Magnet IEF. Q: Thanks for talking with us, Geoff. To start, can you give us a brief update on what’s new with Magnet AXIOM? … Continued

Bringing Enhanced Mobile Acquisition, iOS Processing & Analysis, and Reporting Improvements to Magnet AXIOM 1.1.3

With Magnet AXIOM 1.1.3, we’ve not only made it easier for users to acquire and process images from mobile devices, but we’ve also brought improvements to our reporting capabilities — making the experience an even smoother one for stakeholders to use the evidence presented to them in their investigations. Find out more about what’s included … Continued

A Conversation with Jad Saliba and Head of Griffeye, Johann Hofmann

Magnet Forensics Founder & CTO, Jad Saliba, had a chance to sit down with Head of Griffeye, Johann Hofmann while they were at Techno Security in Myrtle Beach recently — they reflected on the values of their companies, the importance of collaboration, and discussed where they see digital forensics going in the future. Read the conversation below. … Continued

Magnet Forensics Wins Two Forensic 4:cast Awards!

Once again, we owe thanks to the forensics community. For the fifth year running, they selected Magnet Forensics tools as Computer Forensic Software of the Year! This year, we are also beyond thrilled to accept the Digital Forensic Organization of the Year for the first time! Announced Friday at the SANS DFIR Summit in Austin, … Continued

Android Recovery Acquisitions with Magnet AXIOM

In previous versions of Magnet AXIOM, you were required to unlock and enable USB debugging for Android device acquisitions or use Magnet ACQUIRE to load your own custom recovery images. Now, we’ve built this right into AXIOM, adding over 680 recovery profiles for Samsung devices with plans to add more in the future. Flashing a … Continued

Flash Recovery Images to More Than 650 Samsung Devices with Magnet AXIOM

Magnet AXIOM 1.1.2 is now available to download for customers — bringing with it the aforementioned integration with Griffeye and Project VIC, as well as significant developments in mobile acquisition, Portable Case, and BitLocker decryption. Get the latest version of Magnet AXIOM in the Customer Portal now. Enhanced Integration with Griffeye and Project VIC As … Continued