What “the Last Version of Windows” Means for Digital Forensics

In January, we released the AXIOM Wordlist Generator free tool and described in our white paper the changes to the Microsoft® Windows® 10 login workflow that affected password cracking practices. The login workflow was far from the only change in this anniversary update, however. In this blog, Training Director Jamey Tubbs describes other Windows operating … Continued

Magnet Forensics’ 2017 White Papers: A Retrospective

What do Android analysis, forensic machine learning, and going to court have in common? They were all topics of Magnet Forensics’ white papers last year. Whether to share our experts’ research and knowledge on mobile operating systems (like Android Marshmallow and Nougat), provide an in-depth look at the technology and concepts (like Magnet.AI and custom … Continued

Now Open—Register for the Magnet User Summit Series//2018!

The Magnet User Summit Series is back, and it’s coming to more cities this year! We’re bringing news, hands-on learning, and our observations on industry issues to Las Vegas, US; London, England; Paris, France; and Dusseldorf, Germany. Visit our Magnet User Summit site for more details and to register. Since last year’s Summit Series, we’ve … Continued

Loading XRY Images into Magnet AXIOM

As a continuation of our series around analyzing mobile images in multiple tools, this blog is going to focus around using images created by MSAB XRY. For more information around the multi-tool approach and other image formats, see our intro blog here. MSAB XRY creates both physical and logical forensic images in a proprietary format … Continued

Loading Oxygen Images into AXIOM

As a continuation of our blog series around using multiple tools to be successful in your forensic investigations, this post is going to look at loading images from Oxygen into AXIOM. You can read the intro blog here which will also link to others in the series. Oxygen allows you to archive extraction and case data … Continued

Magnet AXIOM 1.2.3 Improves Smartphone Acquisition

Customers can now get the latest version of Magnet AXIOM over at the Customer Portal! Magnet AXIOM 1.2.3 improves smartphone acquisition, provides innovative new time filtering capabilities, enhancements to AXIOM Examine and AXIOM Cloud, offers new artifacts, and adds language support for Chinese (traditional) and Korean. Smartphone Acquisition Improvements With this release, we’ve worked hard … Continued