Top five digital video myths debunked 

With the explosive growth in digital forensics comes varying expectations and assumptions about how digital forensic analysis actually works. Magnet Verify is specifically designed to empower law enforcement and legal professionals to learn everything they need to determine the authenticity of a given digital video file. In doing this work, we need to clarify misunderstandings … Continued

Getting to the source: Understanding metadata removal on social media 

Scrubbed. Sanitized. Stripped. Laundered. These words are frequently used in digital forensics to describe metadata missing from media files posted to social media sites or transmitted through messaging platforms. Digital forensic examiners and investigators have long voiced concerns about the difficulty in gathering actionable information from media posted online due to this lack of metadata. … Continued

Evaluating the use of AI in digital evidence and courtroom admissibility 

The use of AI in criminal, civil, and other investigations continues to grow. However, unlike other applications, employing AI in digital forensics has different considerations when it comes to admissibility in legal proceedings. These considerations stem from the gravity of the questions being answered by AI in digital forensics—questions that could affect people’s liberty, livelihoods, … Continued

Overcoming challenges in video authentication for law enforcement

Public evidence submission portals are a game changer for frontline police officers and investigators. Officers and detectives no longer need to deal with the challenge of obtaining individual video files from cellphones or other digital devices, only to face the additional challenges of storing and sharing video evidence. Citizens can now receive a link from … Continued